Can't speak Czech!

Discussion in 'General Language' started by Anonymous, May 10, 2002.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Dobry den!
    Having read the valiant efforts of others to communicate in Czech, I'm embarrassed to say that I'll be going to Prague on holiday in 3 weeks' time with no more than the absolute basics of Czech. So how am I going to get by? How widespread is the use of English? I have to say that when I'm abroad, I'd rather speak in a foreign language, so are other languages widely spoken? I can speak German, French, a little Russian and smatterings of several others.
    The language site has been invaluable to me for learning some simple words, so thanks for that!
  2. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Ahoj Jill! Forget your worries! English is the most widely spoken foreign language in Prague and you should have no problems getting by. You can actually live in Prague without being fluent in Czech. Most young people and those who work in the tourist industry or international companies speak English quite well. Only if you plan a trip "to the countryside" (as Prague residents sometimes like to refer to the rest of the country :) ) should you think about learning a few sentences for your daily interactions.
    Enjoy your trip!

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