
Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by evian, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. evian

    evian Well-Known Member

    I was unable to find Czech translations for the following nations. Would you mind translating these countries for me?

    1. Belgium
    2. Chile
    3. Hong Kong
    4. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

    Also, I'd like to know how constant capital city translations are, is it just major cities (London, Paris, Sydney...) that have defined Czech translations, or does the Czech language adopt the similar basis as the English language (i.e. keep it the language of the subject nation) for minor capital cities? e.g. Ljubljana for Slovenia, Buenos Aires for Argentina...
  2. Ladis

    Ladis Well-Known Member

    [country's english name | country's czech name | it's citizens' czech name: singular, plural]
    1. Belgium | Belgie | Belgičan, Belgičané
    2. Chile - too far from CR so no czech version, citizens can be "obyvatelé Chile" :)
    3. Hong Kong - too far from CR so no czech version, citizens can be "obyvatelé Hong Kongu" :)
    4. United Arab Emirates (UAE) | Spojené arabské emiráty | arabové? simply "obyvatelé UAE" :)
  3. Zeisig

    Zeisig Well-Known Member

    Chile - Chilan, Chilané
    Hong Kong - Hongkonžan, Hongkonžané
    Spojené arabské emiráty (SAE) - spojení arabští emírové :) (united Arabian emeers)
  4. AndrewJ

    AndrewJ New Member

    spíše bych použil výraz arabové

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