CZ > EN a sentence from Bozena Nemcova's Babicka

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Jelena, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Jelena

    Jelena New Member

    "Jak dlouho bylo pruvod videt, tak dlouho smutný zrak její ho provázel, az pak záclonu spustíc hluboce si vydechnout zašeptala: 'Št'astná to zena!'"

    Thank you!
  2. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    You would for sure find better translation elsewhere - the "Babička" must be available on Internet in English, but :):

    As long as she could see the (funeral) procession, as long her eyes followed it. After she had the curtain drawn, she groaned deeply and muttered "Happy woman (she was)!"
  3. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    As long as the procession was visible, her sad eyes followed it; then, having drawn the curtain, deeply sighing she whispered /that was a/ "happy woman"
  4. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Competition in translation? :D

    Kanadanka's translation is much closer to original. Only in the last part I prefer "What a lucky woman (she was)".

    But I'm in doubts about comtesse's (resp Němcová's) intention. Happiness or luckiness?
  5. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I hoped somebody would come with better translation :)
    Concerning the "štěstí" I would in this case prefer "happiness". Of course I may be wrong 8)
  6. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    no competition intended. I assumed people here are trying to learn the language and (judging by all the word-smithing going on in all other postings under every topic) that precision is something one looks for
  7. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Yes, see the smiley in my post. 8)
  8. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    I always understood it more in terms of "what a fortunate woman",

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