Cz? > English

Discussion in 'General Language' started by Beretta03, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. Beretta03

    Beretta03 Active Member

    Could anyone give me a word for word or phrase for phrase translation of what this says?

    Jak se vám daøí? my mlèet dlouhá doba. Ja jsem perný mluvit èeský jazyk. konev vy pochopit jsem elektronická pošta? :p

    líbit se odepsat!

    s veškerou úctou

  2. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Jak se vám daří = How are you?
    My mlčet dlouhá doba. = We were silent for a long time.
    Já jsem perný mluvit český jazyk. = It is hard for me to speak Czech.
    konev vy pochopit jsem elektronická pošta? = can you understand my email?
    líbit se odepsat! = please reply!
    s veškerou úctou = with all my respect

    P.S. It looks like the original English was translated with the help of some translator program.
  3. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Phew, Jana, I admire your resourcefulness when translating from Czech to Czech via English. :twisted:
  4. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Actually, it was from English into English via Czech...
  5. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    I meant this :lol::

    konev -> the can -> can -> moci
  6. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Once I got a letter translated from English into Czech with the help of a CAT and it started Vazeny okenni tabule...
  7. Beretta03

    Beretta03 Active Member

    Dekuji Mockrat!
  8. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Wow--that's impressive translation work.
    I guess you guys have heard it all.
    konev oko vcela caj nejakym pomocen?
  9. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    ha-I get it now, Jano.(with the help of slovnik)

    The person that sent that wanted to say "Dear sir"
    and he/she knows that sir in czeech is pan, with vocative pane.

    So somehow they confuse Cz. pane with eng. window pane.
    That's very funny.
  10. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Well, it was the computer translator; first translating "sir" to Czech "pane" and then translated it automatically (considering it an English word) to "okenní tabule" (window pane). It also translated Colorado Springs as Colorado tryskat :lol:
  11. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Je jasne, ze nemame verit pocitacovemu slovniku. :( Skoda.
    Aspon ne jestli se chceme domluvit.
    Libi se mi moc tuhle webovou stranku.
    Navstivuji tu obcas.
    To cenim.
  12. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Slovník is OK, it is just the translator program... Nobody taught it to choose the right word among so many possible translations.
  13. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Since you seem to be online now, quick question.
    I never find anyone in the czech chat. Is there a specific time it is used?
  14. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    It says a chat is scheduled at 8 pm Czech time, i.e. 2 pm eastern time, but I have not seen anybody there for a long time :(
  15. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Yes, I saw that.
    I was hoping to get some inside information.
  16. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Usually, people agree on meeting there using private messages.
  17. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Dekuji Jano
  18. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Here is an attempt at some translations

    It is easier to go through the eye of a needle than pass through the gates of heaven.
    Je to snadnejsi, ze clovek projde oko jehly nez projit branu nebi.

    Mir se najde uvnitr sve zvlastni duch.
    Peace is found inside your own soul.

    Nehledej stesti v svete, hledej to uvnitr.
    Don't look for happiness in the world, look for it within(yourself).
  19. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Snáze projde velbloud uchem jehly než bohatý vstoupí do království nebeského.
    (Citát z evangelia sv. Matouše)
    Mír najdeš ve své vlastní duši.
    Nehledej štěstí ve světě, hledej je sám v sobě.
  20. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Mas pravdu o vyrazem z bibli. Je davno, ze slysim takovy veci.

    Kralostvi nebeskeho.

    So if I can try to understand this grammatically.

    Nebesky-Heavenly- je pridavne jmeno v druhem pripade.

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