Dvur Kralove safari

Discussion in 'Culture' started by iluvuma1, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. iluvuma1

    iluvuma1 Well-Known Member

    I am curious as to if anyone has any recollections of thier trip to this zoo. My husband is from this town, and raves about the safari. (He's reculant to visit our zoo in St. Louis.) Anyone have any insight about this area of the Czech Republic? Is it more remote and "villagey"? I am visiting his family this summer and would appreciate any insight on what this area is like.
  2. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Hi Julia,

    It seems that you're asking about two different things - the zoo and the town. The zoo in Dvůr Králové nad Labem is one of the best known, if not THE best known, zoo in the Czech Republic. I was there when I was little and don't remember much, so I unfortunately can't comment on it from my own experience, but here is a link to their site: www.zoodk.cz.

    Dvůr Králové is a town about 160 km northeast of Prague (directly north of Hradec Králové), with a population of about 11,000. For starters, do a Google search for "Dvůr Králové" to learn more about the town.

    I hope you'll enjoy your trip this summer!

  3. iluvuma1

    iluvuma1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Dana!

    I have viewed this website for the zoo before this, and thankfully for me it is in English. Unlike most of the other googled items I've found about Dvur Kralove. With this said, my curiosity about the number of English speakers needs not be asked in this town. (None of my husband's family speaks English- nor did he when he came to America.)

    I am SO excited about this trip, and look forward to getting a better perspective of the country and culture firsthand. This forum is very helpful, but I get the feeling I'm not going to really KNOW Czech culture until I visit....Now its time for the crash course in Czech language! Any opinions on the level of accuracy/comprehension a beginner student can achieve in 4 months of private study? (I am considering hiring a tutor once a week for an hour.) I'm sure it fluctuates with the language skills of the individual- but being busy at work, I only think I'll be able to devote maybe 4-5 hours of study per week to this....

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