Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by milton, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. milton

    milton Well-Known Member

    If someone could help me out with this ( and yes its intended for a girl) I would greatly appreciate it -- thanks in advance -- Milton-- :

    "If I understood you correctly last night, I think you asked me to list (to tell you) everything I like about you. I think that list would be too long. It might be easier to tell you what I don't like about you"

    I know you guys enjoy blood, guts, and carnage so here is my attempt to translate this biyotch below:

    "Jestli rozumel jsem spravny dcera vecer, myslim ze me zeptal co rad o ty. Myslim si ze tohle listeku bude prilis dlouhy. Mozna to bude lepsi jestlize ti reknu ktery nemam rad o ty."
  2. Karkulka

    Karkulka Active Member

    Er.. good attempt on your translation, but I´d not tell that to the girl ;)

    Here is more correct translation:

    Jestli jsem ti vcera dobre rozumel, chtela jsi abych ti vyjmenoval vse co se mi na tobe libi. Myslim ze by to byl moc dlouhy seznam. Bylo by jednodussi ti rici, co se mi na tobe nelibi.
  3. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Just some missing comas.

  4. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    hmm, some women don't like to hear that there is ANYTHING someone doesn't like about them. Maybe saying "it would be shorter to say there is NOTHING I don't like about you" :lol:
  5. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    In that translation, I wonder why you chose říci instead of říct.

    When, or better why, would you use one form and not the other?
  6. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    I understand that říci is more "spisovný," so probably it was to sound more poetic.
  7. Karkulka

    Karkulka Active Member

    Because "rici" fits more to the sentence, than "rict". But of course, you could use both and it would be correct.

    However, I agree with Kanadanka, that most women would preffer to listen for hours about their good traits, than to hear a short list of the bad one´s. ;)
  8. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    “Říci” is the original form, but the verbs ending in “-ci” are rare and therefore a lot of people tend to use a “regular” infinitive ending in “-t”. It was considered colloquial not a long time ago, but now even this form is accepted in standard Czech. But the original form is still prefered in formal Czech.
    I personally never use the “modern” form, I dislike the “ct”-sound.
  9. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Even in spoken conversation?

    Sou you say to colleague, for example - "Mám ti říci, že se tu staví tvoje žena" ?
  10. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    "Mám ti vyřídit, že se tu staví tvoje žena" 8) 8)
  11. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Or so.
  12. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    What about
    Mohl bys mi říct, co to znamená?

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