I'm looking for two people to interview

Discussion in 'Culture' started by juheec, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. juheec

    juheec New Member

    Hi my name is Juhee, and I go to Carnegie Mellon Universiry in Pittsburgh, PA. I am currently taking a course called "Managing Across Cultures", and I'm having a group presentation on Czech Republic. I need to interview TWO people, and it'd very so great if I could find two people to interview through this forum. I have interview questions, so if there're anyone who can answer my questions, would you please respond to this post. If interested I would email the questions and wait for your responses. Thank you very much.

    - juheec@andrew.cmu.edu
  2. amraam_7

    amraam_7 Well-Known Member

  3. idemtidem

    idemtidem Well-Known Member

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