Looking for a Painting by Rada

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous (Czech-Related)' started by Dick Widdowson, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Dick Widdowson

    Dick Widdowson New Member

    In the hard days ofm 1963 I was asked to speak at an International congress held in Prague and hosted by the Czech Academy oF Science. Whilst at the conference I was taken by a czech friend to see some Czech Art. I saw the most wonderful picture by Rada of a woodsman coming home with his horse, cart and his load of timber. The scene was set in hilly country in winter. There was snowon the ground. The trees werebare and stark. The snow was not painted white but that sort of creamy colour you find when the sun is setting. From the clouds there was obviously more snow to come. The man was well wrapped up in his furs he looks very cold and there is no doubt that he is longing to get home to a hot meal and compfort. I would love to own a copy of this picture but I cannot find where the picture is hung. Is it possible to obtain either a cop either photgraphic on paper oron canvas. Can anyone help me? Thank you Dick Widdowson
  2. KJP

    KJP Well-Known Member

    isn't it Radha?
  3. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Vlastimil Rada (1895-1962) - I assume that's the painter in question

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