map readings in Bohemia

Discussion in 'Looking for Ancestors' started by Leslee Green, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    I have a map dated 1882 with some of the following entries. What could be meanings of the B.s on them? Pollinken B., Hofacker B., Grund B. and Grund M. among others.
  2. Wayne05

    Wayne05 Member

    I could be wrong, but I think that B means Bohemia and M means Moravia, etc.
  3. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    Thank you, but they appear to be the names of places on the map of Bohemia.
  4. Wayne05

    Wayne05 Member

    Another possibility is that they refer to the administrative areas. On German maps they will often identify the administrative area that the town belongs to. So Landstuhl Germany appears on some maps as Landstuhl KL, or Landstuhl in the administrative area of Kaiserslautern.

    I don't happen to have an old map with German names, but look to see if the nearest big town matches the B or M. Also in that time the administrations were often named for the administering family or castle. In southern Bohemia this was Hetzogtum Krumau or the principality of the Krumau family.

    I my assumptions are correct, the B's and M's etc. should be clustered together.
  5. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    Thank you for your help.
  6. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Pollinken and Hofacker seem be German (resp germanized) family names. Grund could be name as well, but it means also (landed) estate in German.
    As for the B.s a M.s, I see no alternative explanation than Bohemia/Moravia (Böhmen/Mähren in German). Which area is depictured on the map? How is it entitled? We can exclude M. meaning Moravia on the map of a Bohemian area, for example.
    I think the best you can do is to post a picture of it here, if you are able.
  7. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    I agree, but I don't know how to post the map here. You are correct in saying that is in German with Bohemian names under them. It is primarily a map of the domain of Weseritz (Bezdruzice) and dated 1882.
  8. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    What is the scale of the map?
    Do you mean this Bezdružice?
  9. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I think it is this map.
  10. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I think that B. means here Berg (mountain, hill).
  11. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    Yes--that is the map! One example of what I am looking for is Pollinken B.
    it is down and to the left of Unt. Jamny. The Grund B. and Grund M. are more difficult to see, but they are directly down from Unt. Jamny, the Grund B. is written sideways along what looks like a river next to Schwitz
  12. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    And M. can be Mühle (mill)
  13. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    Thank you once again, Karel.
  14. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I am now almost sure, under Pottin (Potín) is "Alt M." in the map. In a new czech map i can see there "Starý mlýn" = "old mill".
    Over Weseritz there is "Böhmische M." in the same place as on the new map "Český mlýn" = "Czech mill".
    8) 8)
  15. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    To the left of Witschin (Vidžín) there is "Stenzker B." and on the new map you can find "Stěnský vrch" ("Stěnský hill")
    8) 8)
  16. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    Karel I cannot Thank you enough for all your help. Now if you will tell me how to get a photo (map) on this site, I would so much appreciate it.
  17. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    IMO you have to place it somewhere on the web (any public website) and place just a link here. I think it's sufficient now to follow the link I have given.
  18. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    First you need to place it somewhere on the web, here for example.
    And then simply put this code in your post (xyz stands for the link to your image):
    OK, now it is easy.

    Pollinken B. means Pollinken Berg / Polinský vrch aka Polínko (German / Czech). That's a hill (and stonepit) nearby the village Pollinken / Polínka well-known by rock climbers.

    The B in Grund B. stands for Bach (= brook, creek), that means you were right about the river. The Czech name of this creek is Dolský potok (see it here), I'm not sure of the exact German name, but the word Grund corresponds to Czech dolský.

    I agree with Karel's hypothesis about M. standing for Mühle (=mill), since I googled Dolský mlýn there.

    I'm not sure about Hofacker B.. I think the B stands for Berg, since there is a hill on modern maps. Unfortunately, it is not labeled.
    And BTW, I'm not sure it is Hofacker, possibly it is Kofacker (resp Ko?acker).
  19. Leslee Green

    Leslee Green Active Member

    Thanks for the explanations. I guess the blue lines are the creek, what are the brown lines?
  20. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Where? On the maps I post here?
    The dark-brown lines are carl-roads. The light-brown lines are contour lines.
    BTW, you can move the area using the arrows in the toolbar at left, and zoom it by using plus/minus buttons. And you can also swap topographical map and photomap by clicking on Letecká/Základní in top right corner.

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