Translation help...

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by amesha, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. amesha

    amesha New Member

    Would someone help me translate this? I have been trying to find two obscure CD's for years. The only place I've found online with links to these two CD's happens to be in a little Czech store. I dont' think they ship overseas but I have to try to at least ask, since I can't exactly go back to Europe at the moment. (I originally got them in Hungary in the early 90's.) I would like to email the store and see if they can help me out... Problem is, I don't know any Czech. =/



    Would you be able to ship two of your CD's (Esovision - Flower Meadow and Esovision - Enigma of Faith) to the U.S.? If so, how much would it cost at the cheapest shipping rate? I have a VISA credit card I could pay with. I know you probably don't normally ship your products but I would really appreciate your help with this, since the CD's are not on sale here in the U.S.

    Thank you.
  2. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Dobrý den,
    chtěla bych se zeptat, jestli je možnost poslat dvě z vašich nabízených CD do USA (jsou to CD Esovision - Flower Meadow a Esovision - Enigma of Faith). Pokud ano, kolik by stálo nejlevnější poštovné? Mohla bych vám zaplatit VISA kartou, přijímáte je? Předpokládám, že normálně neposíláte CDčka do USA, ale já bych opravdu ocenila pokud byste mohli udělat vyjímku, protože tyto CD se nedají v USA koupit.
    (your name)

    I wrote the translation as you were a woman (your nick looks like woman's nick), if you are male just let me know and I make few changes to it. If you'll need any other help (e.g. you get reply from them or you have any toher questions) just send me a PM or email me and I'd be happy to help you. I just don't think that this topic is for lot of people interesting to read/answer.

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