Translation Please...

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by col, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. col

    col New Member

    Does anyone know what 'dadnout' means? I've been sent a message from a friend, with this word in it, and I cannot find anything in any dictionary. ( I apologise if it's a rude word...)
    Also, 'Tesim se na ranni eskort do rachoty'. I think it means something like 'I'm looking forward to morning...', then something about escort and rumble????
    And finally, 'Dej vedet v kolik mam byt ready'. I can translate the words individually, but together they make little sense to me.
    Thanks in advance for the help...

  2. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member

    "dadnout" does not mean anything in Czech. Could you provide some context? The sentence in which it is? I suppose it might be "vadnout" - to fade.

    "Těším se na ranní eskort do rachoty" - I am looking forward for the morning escort to work. "Rachota" is slang word for "práce" - work.

    "Dej vědět v kolik mám být ready" - Let me know at what time shall I be ready.
  3. col

    col New Member

    Thanks Halef. It all makes sense now.

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