Verb list

Discussion in 'General Language' started by superted, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. superted

    superted Well-Known Member

    Hey all,

    I want to practice my verb conjugation, does anyone know of a site that list`s maybe 20 - 30 of the most common/usefull verb infinitives? I have tried using slovnik but find that when I look up an English verb I get several possibilities back so I`m not sure what to use as the infinitive.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    I don't know the website, but if you want you write the verb you want to know in English and we will help you.
  3. superted

    superted Well-Known Member

    Ok thanks!

    Could you give me the infinitives for the following? (and possibly indicate if they are irregular)


  4. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Infinitiv: myslet
    Já myslím, ty myslíš, ona myslí, oni myslí, vy myslíte.
    Já myslím, já budu myslet, já jsem myslel
    Ex:Myslím, že by jsi tam neměl chodit. (I think, that you shouldn't go there.

    !If you want to say think about:
    Ex: Přemýšlel jsem o zítřejším testu. (I was thinking about exam, which will be in tomorrow.) ((*Can I in English say "tomorrow's exam" when I want to say "exam, which will be written tomorrow" ??. Thank))

    Infinitiv: vědět
    Já vím, ty víš, on ví, oni ví, vy víte.
    Já vím, věděl jsem, budu vědět.
    Ex:Vím, že jsi byl tam. (I know that you've been there.)

    Infinitiv: vidět
    Já vidím, ty vidíš, on vidí, my vidíme, oni vidí, vy vidíte.
    Já vidím, viděl jsem, budu vidět.
    Ex: Viděl jsem ho tam. (I saw him there.)

    Infinitiv: číst
    Já čtu, on čte, ty čteš, oni čtou, my čteme, vy čtete.
    Já čtu, četl jsem, budu číst.
    Ex:Včera jsem četl zajímavou knížku. (I read interesting book yeasterday.)

    Infinitiv: psát
    Já píšu, ty píšeš, ona píše, my píšeme, vy píšete, oni píšou
    Já píšu, psal jsem, budu psát.
    Ex:psal jsem esej o prázdninách. (I wrote essay about my holiday.)

    Infinitiv: chtít
    Já chci, ty chceš, ona chce, my chceme, vy chcete, oni chtějí.
    Já chci, chtěl jsem, budu chtít.
    Ex:Chtěl jsem do hospody, ale němel jsem peníze. (I wanted go to thepub, but I hadn't money.)

    Infinitiv: mít
    Já mám, ty máš, ona má, my máme, oni mají, vy máte.
    Já mám, měl jsem, budu mít.
    Ex:Máš hodně hraček. (You have a lot of toys.)
    (!!!Watch out!!!)
    Similar word mýt - means to wash.
    mýt nádobí - to wash dishes

    Infinitiv: setkat se
    Já jsem se setkal, ty jsi se setkal, ona se setkala, oni se setkali, vy jste se setkali.
    Já jsem se setkal, já se setkám. (We don't have present form of this verb - only past and future)
    Ex: Setkal jsem se s Annou. (I met Anna.)

    Infinitiv: potkat se
    This also means "to meet", but this is more "accidentally meeting" .
    Like I met him on the street. (I don't know that I will meet him, I just walk down the street and I saw him. Whether the verb "setkat se" is not accidentally. You have to arrange a meeting with the person.)
    Já jsem potkal, ty jsi potkal, ona potkala, oni potkali.
    Potkal jsem ho na cestě domů. (I met him on the way home.)

    Infinitiv: dát
    Já dávám, ty dáváš, ona dává, oni dávají, my dáváme.
    Já dávám, já jsem dal, já dám.
    Dal jsem jí dárek. (I gave her present.)

    Infinitiv: vzít, brát
    Já beru, ty bereš, ona bere, oni berou, my bereme
    Já jsem to vzal, já to vezmu.
    Ex: Vzal jsem svoje poznámky s sebou. ( I took my notes with me.)
  5. superted

    superted Well-Known Member

    Wow, that`s more than I could have hoped for! Thanks
  6. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    As an addition to Jirka's list:

    know (someone)
    Infinitive: znát
    Já znám, ty znáš, on zná, my známe, vy znáte, oni znájí.
    Já znám, znal jsem, budu znát.
    Ex: Já ho znám. (I know him.)

    There's a distinction in Czech between knowing something (vědět) and knowing someone (znát).

    Also be careful about aspect pairs, e.g. znát/poznát (see the previous threads: How is different between pri- and do- and Aspect: A Novel for explanation).
  7. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    BTW, gementricxs, you can say "tomorrow's exam". In fact, around here (Florida), it would be a much more common way to say it. You would rarely hear "sit for an exam" or "write an exam" here - sounds a bit pretentious although it may be common usage elsewhere. Also would usually use the word "test" instead of "exam" - "exam" is commonly used for major tests (e.g. "mid-term exam" or "final exam", also sometimes shortened to "mid-terms" or "finals"). You can also have a "pop-quiz" (a short, unplanned or unexpected test) or a "quiz" (a short but usually planned test).
  8. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Oh, great. Thanks a lot GlennInFlorida. Thanks, thanks, thanks.
  9. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    Není zač.
  10. superted

    superted Well-Known Member

    In the UK the word exam would be more commonly used than test. We would also normaly use "take an exam" or "sit an exam" to describe the action.
  11. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    we usually say "take a test" or "take an exam" too

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