Vloupání na náměstí

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Polednikova, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Polednikova

    Polednikova Well-Known Member

    Right. It's taken me a while to come up with something but here it is, for what it's worth. At my Czech classes, we used to prepare an aktualita for each lesson, summarising a current news story. I thought I'd do something different but the trouble is that I don't have Scrimshaw's imagination and I had to wait for something to happen that I could write about!

    So here goes - I think I lost the plot with the second position in the last paragraph so if Karel or kibicz have time to correct it, or anyone else who wants a crack at it, I'll be interested to see what it should have been.

    Vloupání na náměstí

    Včera, na Lyčkově náměstí v Karlíně, kde bydlíme, bylo tam hodně policistů. Tak, jenom pět policistů, ale Lyčkovo náměstí je velmi klidné a nikdy nevidíme policisty.

    Policistové byli tam protože, v jeden z bytů v našem domu, bylo vloupání.

    Náš kamarád, Javier, a jeho manželka, Claudia, pochází původně z Mexika, ale bydlí v Praze asi šest let. Mají dceru, které je pět let, a nové miminko, které se narodilo v prosince. Znám Javiera lepší než Claudia, protože ona nemluví dobře anglicky, ale Javier je moc sympaticki a ochotni. Studuje medicinu na Karlově univerzitě a až vystuduje, rodina se bude stěhovat do Austrálie.

    Včera odpoledne, Claudia a jejich děti nebyli doma. Ve čtrnáct hodin šest minut Javier dostal SMS z kamaráda, aby mu řekl, že bude u bytu v čtrnáct hodin třicet minut. Javier si lehnal na postele a protože miminko už nespí dobře usnul. Vzbudil se pár minut pozdější a z ložnice mohl vidět, že hlavní dveře bytu byly otevřené.

    Ten kamarád, kteri postal SMS přijel před domem ve čtrnáct hodin dvacet pět minut. Tak mezi 1406 a 1425, zloděj vstoupil do budovy, otevřil násilím dveře bytu, ostříhil bezpeční řetěz, vstoupil do předsíně a ukradl stolu v předsíni počitač Javieru.

    Bohužel, i když jsem sědela na našem balkóně, který má výhled na ulice, když se konalo vloupání, nic jsem neviděla, protože z balkónu nelze vidět hlavní dveře budovy. Ale uviděla jsem, že všichni mládežů, kteri se obvykle poflakovou v parku na náměstí, ztratili se dohledu. Přemýšlím, jestli oni ví neco o něm?!
  2. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Realy good.
    *use "tam" or "na náměstí" separatly, not togehter in one sentence.
    ** i would say "jeden byt byl vyloupen"
    *** i am bit confused by this whole paragraph
    **** i prefer just "viděl", "mohl vidět" is literal translation of "could see" which isnt used that much in czech, its like emphasising the posibility/ capability.
    ***** ulici: singular, ulice: plural - i am not sure what you meant..
    ****** or všechna mládež if you want to be neutral.

    btw: it would be nice to enlarge reply window..i dont know how can Karel correct scrimshaws whole-page-long articles with all the colour tags..
  3. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    better "došlo k vloupání"
    I don't think you wanted to say you know him better than she 8)
    znám ho lépe než Claudia = I know him better than she
    znám ho lépe než Claudii (accusative) = I know him better than her
    better again "když došlo k vloupání"

    done in parallel with kibicz 8) 8)
  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Polednikova, that's great!!!
    That's a nice story. It is good to read somebody else's offering. :D
    Zdá se mi, že on byl velmí chytrý zloděj.
    Škoda, že nepoužívá svůj talent k lepším účelúm(for better purposes).
  5. Polednikova

    Polednikova Well-Known Member

    Thanks, lads. I shall keep them - they're really helpful. Some really silly mistakes there, which I keep making.

    Will look again at the confusing paragraph and will put up my English version in a couple of days, in case kibicz wants to have a go at translating it first - excluding the confusing paragraph, of course!
  6. Polednikova

    Polednikova Well-Known Member

    Just a thought, kibicz. Can you edit the text in Word and then cut and paste it back again into Post a reply? I don't know if the colours will transfer, though.
  7. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I just tried it, the way from the forum to Word is OK, but the other way does not retain the colors (it has to contain special formatting symbols, which the Word does not provide. 8)
  8. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    That's technically impossible. You would need a BBCode based WYSIWYG editor. This online editor for example (It doesn't support the quoting, but the coloring works), or this plugin for Firefox, or the editors incorporated into other fora.

    I wonder I found no stand-alone software for it. :roll:
  9. Polednikova

    Polednikova Well-Known Member

    I'll have a go at that, wer. Thanks.

    Here's what I wanted to say in English. Oh, and you will have realised that I didn't know how to say "between 1406 and 1425" in words. I know it's mezi + instrumental but I don't know how to do the instrumental of times, or dates to that matter - how would you say "between 1979 and 2006" for example?

    Burglary in the Square

    Yesterday, in Lyčkovo Square, in Karlín, where we live, there were a lot of policemen. Ok, five policemen, but Lyčkovo Square is very quiet and we never see policemen.

    The police were there because there had been a burglary in one of the flats in our block.

    Our friend, Javier, and his wife, Claudia, come originally from Mexico, but they have been living in Prague for about six years. They have a daughter, who is five years old and a new baby, who was born in December. I know Javier better than Claudia because she doesn’t speak very good English, but Javier is very nice and helpful. He is studying medicine at Charles University and when he graduates, the family are going to move to Australia.

    Yesterday afternoon, Claudia and their children were not at home. At six minutes past two, Javier received an SMS from his friend, to tell him that he would be at the flat at half past two. Javier lay down on the bed and because the baby wasn’t sleeping well yet, he fell asleep. He woke up a few minutes later and from the bedroom, he could see that the front door to the flat was open.

    The friend who had sent the SMS arrived in front of the house at twenty five past two. So between 1406 and 1425, the thief had entered the building, forced open the door to the flat, cut the safety chain, entered the hall of the flat and had stolen Javier’s computer from a table in the hall. (A good example of the use of what I call the pluperfect case - using 'had'. I could have added it with the verbs 'forced', 'cut' and 'entered' as well but it would have sounded a bit too much and it's more natural just to use it at the beginning and end of a list of verbs.)

    Unfortunately, although I had been sitting on our balcony, which overlooks the street, when the robbery took place, I didn’t see anything because it isn’t possible to see the front door to the building from the balcony. But I did notice that all the teenagers who usually hang about in the park in the square, had disappeared from sight. I wonder if they know anything about it?!
  10. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    Hi Gina!
    Your translation is really very good as you could see from our corrections. Just for comparison, I tried to translate it to Czech (not exactly, but trying to express the same) once more, not looking at the previous czech text.

    Krádež na (našem) náměstí
    Včera byla na Lyčkově náměstí v Karlíně, kde žijeme, spousta policistů. Dobrá, jen pět, ale Lyčkovo náměstí je velmi klidné a policistu tam nikdy nevídáme.
    Policie tam byla/přišla kvůli krádeži v jednom z bytů v našem bloku.
    Náš přítel Javier a jeho žena Claudia původně pocházejí z Mexika, ale žijí v Praze už * kolem/okolo šesti let. Mají dceru, které je pět a novorozeně/miminko, které přišlo na svět v prosinci. Znám Javiera lépe než Claudii proto, že ona nemluví moc dobře anglicky, zatímco Javier je velice příjemný a ochotný. Studuje medicinu na Karlově Univerzitě a po skončení studia/promoci/absolutoriu se jeho rodina postěhuje/bude stěhovat/plánuje přestěhovat do Austrálie.
    Včera odpoledne nebyla Claudie ani její děti doma. Šest minut po druhé dostal Javier SMSku od svého přítele, který mu psal, že za ním přijde o půl třetí. Javier si lehl na postel a usnul, protože se kvůli dítěti pořádně nevyspal. O pár minut později se probudil a z ložnice zahlédl, že dveře do bytu jsou otevřené.
    Přítel, který mu poslal SMSku, dorazil před dům dvacet minut po druhé. Takže mezi 14:06 a 14:25 zloděj vešel do domu, násilím otevřel dveře do bytu, přestřihl bezpečnostní řetěz, vešel do haly/předsíně a ukradl Javierův počítač ze stolu v hale/předsíni.
    Bohužel, i když jsem v době krádeže seděla na našem balkónu, ze kterého je vidět na ulici, nic jsem neviděla, protože z balkónu nejsou vidět vstupní dveře do domu. Ale všimla jsem si, že všechna ta mládež, co se obvykle poflakuje po parku na náměstí, zmizela z dohledu. Docela by mne zajímalo, co o tom vědí?/ Docela by mne zajímalo, zda/jestli o tom (něco) nevědí.

    the word “už” or “již” is often used to express the continuation from past
    žijí v Praze = they live in Prague
    žijí v Praze už/již 6 let = they have been living in Prague for 6 years
  11. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    deleted 8)
  12. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    That's interesting seeing that story 'rephrazed', put into the order that a czech would most likely say it.
    Our attempts at direct translation of our word order and verb choices probably sounds a bit awkward, to say the least.

    Miminko přišlo na svět...came into the world....we use that also.
    spousta...lots of....I need to add that to vocabulary
    dorazil před domu...pulled up in front of the house...that's new to me
    novorozoně...newborn...that's new too
  13. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Iam just making sure you wont be learnig wrong spelling;)
  14. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Thanks Kiibicz.. Píšu špatně i se slovy rovně přede mnou. :shock:
  15. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    its phrase this way..

    no need to thanks - its easy to correct one obvious(from my point of view) mistake.
    But you should buy some pivo to Karel once you meet him;)
  16. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    That is true Kibicz, I owe him quite a few beers.
    You too.
  17. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    By 'you too', I mean I owe you beers too, not that you also owe Karel beers. :lol:
  18. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    the last meaning makes perfectly sence since he corrected few articles i should have done..;)
  19. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Jednoho dne se to asi stane. Kdoví, to nikdo.
  20. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Vždyt Glenn nejak zvládl jednou zakopnout do Pivovarškého Klubu aniž se ztratil.

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