vzdy vs vzdycky

Discussion in 'Grammar & Pronunciation' started by Calvario, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. Calvario

    Calvario Well-Known Member

    One book says vzdycky is "always" another says "vzdy". My question is can you use one or the other without a grammatical conflict. Is there a difference between them?

  2. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    I think so.
    "Vzdycky" is somewhat archaic and is closer to "pokazde" than "vzdy".
  3. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member

    Interesting, I would consider "vzdy" more archaic (or bookish) than "vzdycky".
  4. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    I agree with Halef - vždycky is far from being archaic. According to Slovník spisovné češtiny pro školu a veřejnost, there is no difference at all between vždy and vždycky.
  5. Missbarbecue

    Missbarbecue Member

    I agree... there's no difference in meaning, vždy si slightly formal.
  6. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Well my book says vždycky is usually and pořad is always. What is right?
  7. Missbarbecue

    Missbarbecue Member

    I'd say vždycky and pořád are both equivalent to always; pořád si rather colloquial.

    An equivalent to usually would be obvykle, většinou.
  8. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    My book says:

    pořád - allways, at all times, ever, all the time
    vždycky - allways

  9. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    :oops: Ok, I must admit that I don't have my book here with me. I was going by memory. I think my book does say that obvykle is usually and pořad is always. I don't believe I've seen the word vždycky before and mistakenly remembered obvykle as vždycky. :oops:
  10. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    And my book says:

    (formal / less formal)
    stále/pořád - still, constantly, continually
    vždy/vždycky - always, invariably
    pokaždé - on each occasion, every time

  11. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    I like wer's book. I have usually heard stále/pořád used referring continuous actions and occurences, although sometimes also applied to repetitive action, whereas vždy/vždycky and pokaždé referring only to repetitive, not continuous, actions.
  12. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    So if one wanted to use the phrase, "God always was, always is, and always will be" he/she would use vždy/vždycky.

    However, if one wanted to say, "You always smack your lips when you eat" he/she would use stále/pořád.

    Is that correct?
  13. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    I would say: "Bůh vždy byl, je a bude".

    If I wish put emphassis on future:
    Bůh vždy byl, je a (na)vždy bude.
    It has meaning:God always was, is, and will be forewer-navždy /and always will be - vždy bude.

    If I translate each "always" :
    Bůh vždy byl, stále je a vždy bude.but the meaning is now: God always was, permanently is, and always will be.

    when you eat = "při jídle"(during eating) or "když jíš"
    "You always smack your lips when you eat!" ="Vždy při jídle mlaskáš!"
    "Pokaždé při jídle mlaskáš!" means "Every time you eat, you smack your lips!"
    Another example:
    Q: "and your son,still smacks his lips?" "a Váš syn. Stále mlaská?" (Do he keep smacking his lips?)
    A: Bohužel, stále mlaská. Při každém jídle. (Unfortunately, he keeps doing it. Every meal.) :)
  14. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    TO: Halef, Jana, Missbarbecue
    If I have to decide which one of these is older one then I will point to "vzdycky". I just consider "vzdy" to be "more modern" word then "vzdycky".

    "Vzdycky" sounds colloquial and "vzdy" sounds formal to me but in fact both are of standard Czech and have the same meaning.

    I use both of them, "vzdy" often. :oops:
  15. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    To MK: And what about "dycinky"?
  16. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    Much older and typical "rural word".
  17. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Much older than what? And if you consider Prague "rural", I will agree "dycinky" is a rural word, as it used to be a part of typical Prague slang around 1920-1930... :?
  18. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    I think it was colloquial form of "vzdycky"?! Lot of people moved from rural areas to Prague since begining of 19 century and they also brought they "local words" with them. Some of these words become some time popular and then was forgotten. Some of the popular ones made its apperance in movies so we know them now, some just disappeared. :twisted:

    Svejk (the book not the stories) was written in twenties. I believe that you do not find this word in this book.

    Please note that what I wrote above is only my opinion. I either did not checked "dycinky" in Dictionary of Standard Czech or searched in Svejk for this word. :roll:
  19. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Please note that what I wrote above is only my opinion. I either did not checked "dycinky" in Dictionary of Standard Czech or searched in Svejk for this word. :roll:[/quote]

    Finally I get to contribute something to this forun. :)

    Proper wording of the sentence above is=
    I neither checked dyncky in Dictionary.........npr searched in Švejk....
  20. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member


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