way of life

Discussion in 'Culture' started by daniela_197, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Ale stejně, bylo to sranda!
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Actually, yes, the words “srát/zasrat” (= shit) and “sranda” (=fun) are cognates. But the latter ceased to be considered vulgar three or four generation ago.
  3. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    To je něco.
    Je to legrače jak se význam slova změní přes čas.
    Can't think of any such cases in english, but I'm sure there are some.

    That brings to mind this. Did you guys know that the word 'ahoj' is well known in america, and england probably. But it is associated with a greeting that sailors use.
    Ahoj, mate!
    Czech sailor's influence on the maritime world.
  4. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    We know it. :cry: We are constantly joked for it : "Why country without sea use sailors greeting? It is because you crave the sea sooo much?"
  5. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    No, I think it is the other way around.
    You don't use a sailor's greeting,
    sailors use your greeting.

    But most people aren't aware of that.
  6. McCracken

    McCracken Well-Known Member

    Apologies for straying from the original topic but some think that it originated as a Middle English greeting with Norse or Anglo-Saxon roots which then migrated via maritime traders, through Germany and down the major european inland waterways to the Czech language. Just a theory though.

    Being an ex-submariner (and very familiar with the term "Ahoy"), the coincidence surprised me when I started to learn Czech. I have pointed this out to Czech friends - originally whilst trying to explain about "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sep 19 every year :) ), the concept of which was completely lost in (my poor) translation :wink:
  7. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    Expert explanation, but it somewhat happened I like Scrimshaw's theory much more.
  8. McCracken

    McCracken Well-Known Member

    Far from expert, my friend, just another theory :wink: .
  9. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Well, for about 400 years we HAD sea - A-H empire. My grand^n father was sailor and many other Czechs were too. e.g. book of stories by Otakar Batlička. Not to mentions Czech sailors during ww1..
  10. hoppo29

    hoppo29 Member

    David!! You have not got a clue mate! I visit czech 1-2 times every year for the last 5 years. I think maybe you have something personal against Czech's. I am planning to move there with my wife who is from Hlucin a lovely town north of Ostrava, the people I meet there are great and the hospitality from everyone is super, us English could learn a bit from them!
  11. McCracken

    McCracken Well-Known Member

    That's interesting - I hadn't thought of that.

    Did the Czechs ever buy their submarine?
    (http://zpravy.idnes.cz/ceska-armada-poz ... domaci_jba)
  12. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    It was Austrian navy so I still like explanation given by scrimshaw most.

    Submarine - Maybe, but it is for military museum.
  13. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    The story above actually demonstrates the same philosophy of story told by a Czech friend of mine. She tried to explain the difference between Czechs & Americans (several of my other Czech friends agreed with this difference.)
    A Czech and an American drive by a farm with a fence and cattle. The American sees it and says, "I want that for myself and don't have it. It's great that he has it. I will work hard to achieve it just like he did." Whereas the Czech says, "I want that for myself but don't have it. I curse him and wish he didn't have it either."

    Don't know if it truly describes the Czech philosophy or not, but the Czech's here seem to think it's accurate. There is a resemblance to the story above. The Czechs want others to have the same fate as them, wet paint on their pants or failure to own a farm.
  14. Polednikova

    Polednikova Well-Known Member

    Ah. Thanks, Dzurisova. It makes a bit more sense now.

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