Czech Republic Buses

Traveling by bus is often the quickest and most direct way to get from one Czech town to another. It is also sometimes the only method of public transport because some Czech villages are not serviced by trains or their train stations are far enough from residential areas to make the bus a better option.

There are many private bus companies that operate regular services. Keep in mind that the bus may be slower or more expensive than the train, and vice versa. It is always good to compare both options. Unlike trains, local Czech buses are usually not equipped with toilets, but many long-distance buses like RegioJet or Flixbus are.

Visit our Czech Republic & International Public Trasport Schedules page to look up bus schedules and connections for Czechia and Europe.

Useful Dictionary

autobus - bus
autobusové nádraží / stanoviště - bus station
Odjezdy - Departures
Příjezdy - Arrivals
nástupiště - platform
zastávka - stop
jízdenka - ticket
jízdenky - tickets
místenka - seat reservation
pokladna - ticket window