Brno - Spa nearby?, Guides available?

Discussion in 'Travel Tips & Advice' started by gregnpam, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. gregnpam

    gregnpam New Member

    I will be in Brno on business 18-25 March. My wife is accompanying me and would like to do the touristy things. Is everything closed up for Winter?

    Is there a spa / spa town nearby?
    Any recommendations for a local guide to get her oriented?
    She is an adventurous type so she will walk-about during the day while I am working.

    Many thanks for any help.
  2. Yvan

    Yvan Well-Known Member

  3. brook

    brook Well-Known Member

    Don't forget the Brno city website!

    There's also the Brno tourist website, however, it's all in czech. But you may be able to understand some of the links in the menu on the left since they closely resemble english.

    Also enjoyable are some of the museums in Brno ( The art museum - Dům umění města Brna - near the Mahenovo Theater always has interesting exhibits. Also nice are some of the cafes in Brno. I don't know if it's still there, but La Dolce Vita across the street from the green building (I swear this building looks like a very ornate scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream!) and just steps from the Cathedral (I think the street is Biskupska..), is a wonderful place. The owner was always nice and when my czech failed me, spoke to me in English.

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