Christmas Present Help!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous (Czech-Related)' started by Suniskys, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. Suniskys

    Suniskys Active Member

    I am going to visit my father in Prague for three weeks at Christmas. I would like to bring presents from Canada for my cousins (boy aged 18 and girl aged 15) but have no idea what to bring! I haven't seen my cousins in over 6 years. I also have no idea what to bring my aunt and uncle or my grandparents. I want it to be special as this is the first Christmas I will have ever spent with them. Any ideas? Thanks so much!
  2. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    There is almost everything available in CR (speaking for Prague). All big companies are represented. Also please note that electronics should be bought in Prague to make sure that they work. Everything in electronics and computer items are available just as they are in US/Canada (not sure were are you from). But of course parametrs are different.

    All food items are also available in Czech supermarkets, so no need to bring it in either.

    It was so much easier to bring presents under Communist regime. Anything foreign was great gift. Now I worry that in a few years foreign stuff will take over Czech goods completely and visiting foreigner would not find anything "really Czech".

    I can see you will have a problem. It depends on what you want to spend and where are you from. ....And of course on inerests of those people.
  3. SMZ

    SMZ Well-Known Member

    Ahoj! Yes, certain types of items in general are available in the CR, but I'm not sure that's what Suniskys was implying...

    I would suggest something that's "especially Canadian" such as a sweatshirt from a local university, ski resort, or professional hockey team (that is, from wherever you are in Canada).

    These sorts of things aren't readily available in other places and would carry a bit of your background to your cousins.

  4. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    How about Eskimo soap stone sculptures? They are affordable and definitely out-of-the-ordinary. The Bay Co. blanket is another possibility. Also consider Native crafts.
  5. whatgives

    whatgives Member

    How about Maple Syrup and books or calendars of Canada? Maybe Canadian coins or stamps??
  6. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    my friends in Prague really enjoyed a coffee sized book on Canadian Rockies, sweatshirts with maple leaf and "Canada" prominently written on it, native dolls, soapstone sculptures and Native prints. They also for some reason loved a small painting of pine forest (they don't have pure pine forests in Czechlands). They really hate maple candies and didn't care for maple syrup (I guess the taste is acquired), but love export-packed deer and cariboo jerky.
  7. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    They don't like maple syrup? Amazing! When I came to Canada, I adopted maple syrup and never got tired of it. Maple-walnut ice cream is heavenly.

    Did you enjoy your stay in CR?

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