
Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by michal7, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. michal7

    michal7 Active Member

    Is there a simple word for "feedback" in Czech?
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    In general, no.

    It depends on concrete meaning. Maybe "odezva" or "zpětná vazba" is the most general posibility but all English meanings are not covered. E.g. in relation to RSS, it is problematic to translate this word.
  3. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    I second it.

    You have to find synonym for specific meaning of this word first and then transalate this synonym instead of original word.

    "zpětná vazba" is usually used as technical term
    negative feedback (from outputs of system to its inputs ) - záporná zpětná vazba

    word "odezva" is mostly used in the meaning: response (no response - žádná odezva, without response - bez odezvy)

    Another translations:
    "odpověď" - answer (I waited for his answer/feedback)
    "názor" - opinion (to ask somebody for feedback on something -> to ask somebody for his opinion about something)
  4. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    It also depend where do yo want to use, nowadays businessmans tend to use the english word.

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