Hello from USA

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Calvario, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. Calvario

    Calvario Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone. I'm new here. Been a long time since I was new at a language forum. I spent several years learning Spanish. Spanish is great, I speak it everyday on the job but now I want to learn Czech. By the time I realized I was of Czech decent @ the age of 12,13,14 whenever-I asked my grandfather to teach me, but it had been so long that he had forgotten. I want to pass the language to my children, whom I already speak Spanish to-not that they are very interested but nevertheless I do.
    Big difference bewtween Spanish and Czech-well anyways thank you for your time and I look forward to learing from you all as I 'm sure everyone will have something to teach me along the way.

    Thank you,
  2. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Actually Calvario you will be surprised at some of the similarities between czech and spanish. I was.

    English-I like it---It is the direct object---I the subject
    Spanish-That pleases me-Eso me gusta--The thing that pleases is the subject.
    Same as in cech--To se mi libi--again--the thing that pleases is subject

    sp-semafora-traffic light
    czech-semafor-traffic light.

    sayings with be and have--cz and sp. prefer have
    I am afraid
    Tengo miedo
    Mam strach

    Be patient!
    Tenga paciencia!
    Mej trpelivost!

    To me it's all very interesting,
  3. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    In Czech, you can find two expressions, matching either the English or the Spanish one:
    Buď trpělivý = Be patient
    Měj strpení = Tenga paciencia
    Měj trpělivost is a literal translation of the English construction (cf. popular greeting of TV Nova moderators "Mějte pěkný večer" :roll: ).
  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    To jsem nevedel.

    So to a woman, I would say Bud' trpeliva?
  5. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Right, buď trpělivá would be correct but, IMHO, useless to say. :)
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Co si myslis Jano? Ze zeny nemaji trpelivost? :)
  7. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Myslím si, že ženám je zbytečné radit (natož přikazovat) cokoli - mají svou hlavu a své názory.
  8. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Možná se najdou i ženy (nebo muži) dostatečně moudré, aby přijaly i radu ;))
  9. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Ale chce to pořádnou dávku diplomacie (a to platí zejména pro rady udílené opačným pohlavím). :lol:
  10. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    aha--uz chapu. Bez pochybu, zeny maji svou hlavu a sve zvlastni nazory.
    Kdyby to clovek nevedel, urcite bud je slepy nebo ma hlavu hluboky v
    Rada udilene opacnym pohlavim clovek by mel dobre slyset jestli nechci zit v kontrabase. :lol:
  11. Calvario

    Calvario Well-Known Member

    Very good to know that Spanish and czech have similarites in structure. Is Czech as reflexive as Spanish. " Me voy a lavar las manos". as an example. Anyways I'll be slow to post at first until I get a grip on the basics.

    Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. Me alegro de que haya gente listo para ayudar.
    Hasta luego amigos Y amigas
    Espero que la proxima vez que yo escriba podre escribir,por lo menos, en Czech.


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