Hi English teachers

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ceduna, May 4, 2005.

  1. ceduna

    ceduna Member

    Hi, :lol:

    I'm an English teacher (Australian) living in Stockholm. Two more Australian teachers from China are coming here and we will be together in Prague for only 5 days in mid July. We are all mid fifties, runners, chess players and like a beer and a laugh. It would be kul to meet up with someone who we can have a vbeer with and exchange news and views. Any takers?

  2. evian

    evian Well-Known Member

    Hi Marie!
    That is great that you are an Australian teaching English in Stockholm, Sweden. I hope one day myself to work in Europe. Which part of Australia are you from? What made you choose Sweden, and how are you coping with the winter weather?
    Its great to hear from you.
  3. ceduna

    ceduna Member

    Hi Jason from Brissy;

    I'm originally from Ceduna!! How about that. I chose Stockholm because I met a Swede. yes, the weather is the pits, especially in November, then its really tough! But you get used toit and the summers are magnificent.
    How does this site on Prague work? I see you are a senior member. what does that mean? But do you live in Prague?


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