Looking for Surname HANIS

Discussion in 'Looking for Ancestors' started by glimmer_girl_22, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. glimmer_girl_22

    glimmer_girl_22 New Member

    I am from Canada and am trying to make a family tree, my relatives moved over from Czech with the last name Hanis.
  2. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    The surname is probably "Haniš" (feminine variant "Hanišová"), and is possibly derived from the German "Hanisch" (same pronunciation). According a database of Czech surnames, there are 72 occurences of "Haniš," 82 of "Hanisch," 73 of "Hanišová" and 92 of "Hanischová." I'd start by searching immigrant records in Canada to find out when they left and what city/town/village they came from (assuming you don't already know this information). This will help you narrow your search.

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