
Discussion in 'Grammar & Pronunciation' started by scrimshaw, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Cesky sesit ma tuhle vetu v dialogu.

    Stepove pokoje ma rozbite okno, a nemam cas ho spravit.

    My question---Why is the pronoun "ho" used instead of "to"?
    Okno is neuter.

  2. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    It is a grammatical mistake, very common in spoken Czech.
    Correct Czech is Štěpův pokoj má rozbité okno a nemám čas je spravit.
    You are right, okno is neuter (declension pattern město) and the accusative case of the appropriate personal pronoun ono is je.
  3. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jana

    Stepovo okno je rozbite, a jja nemam cas je spravit.

    Does that sound bookish? Pouzival by to obycejny cech?

    I didn't know ono had it's own accusative pronouns.
  4. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Scrimshaw, you can use the variant with "to", it's also correct, only the meaning is slightly different (roughly "that" vs "it").

    Štěpův pokoj má rozbité okno, a nemám čas to spravit.
  5. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    "Obyčejný" Čech by to použil, kdyby si to ze školy pamatoval :wink: .
    It does not sound bookish, it is just grammatically correct.
    BTW, every noun can be replaced by a corresponding pronoun - personal or demonstrative - and both are declined, i.e. if the noun is in accusative case, so is the pronoun replacing it.
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Thanks you guys.
    It's a big help having a resource such as this.

    You know what would be kind of fun? A joke topic.

    V zime.
    Proc Pendolino stoji zas kdesi gu Polemy.
    Protoze jak kazdy rok mrzli mu vsecky cd romy.

    Ukradl jsem to od Provakatery Nohavice. Od jeho velmi hezke pisnicky "Ladovska Zima".
  7. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Don't mention it. On the contrary, you can help us with English :wink:.
    Is it appropriate to address us with "guys"? (Jana is female and I wrote just two or three lines)
    Yes, that's very funny song. Do you understand what it's about? It must be extremely challenging for you, because it's in dialect (it takes a lot of self control to no to correct "zamrzli" to "zamrzly") and you need to know a lot of Czech realities.
  8. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Mas pravdu. Zamrzly.
    Ano, znam tu pisnicku, kamaradka v Ceske Republice mi poslala, a vysvetlovala mi vyrazy a tak.

    Yes you can use "guys" when referring to a group of males and females,
    just females or just males.

    Slangish, not grammatically correct.
  9. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    There's "zamrzli" in original. 8)
  10. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    ano,znam pisnicku dost dobre.

    to mokre bile svinstvo
    pada mi za limec
    uz ctyri mesicu
    furt prosinec

    Na vysocine zavreli d jednicku
    kamiony hrali na honicko
    takzvane rallye letni gumy
    v tych kopcich u meirici
    spechali s melounama
    a ted jsou v, vsak vite kde.
    na ct jeda studio snih
    voldanova sedi na sanich
    jak v dalce vidim
    zasnezeny rip
    rikam si-praotec cech
    ti bys ale strasny cip
    kdyby si poposel
    jeste o par kilometry dale
    tak jsem se tedka mohl kdesi
    v teplech v plavkach valet

    uz nemuzu. musim spat

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