Rehak Ancestors

Discussion in 'Looking for Ancestors' started by LetsGoFishin, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. LetsGoFishin

    LetsGoFishin New Member

    I am just looking for any information on Rehaks. They come from the Czech part of former Czechoslovakia. If you have any information it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  2. Karel Fous

    Karel Fous Well-Known Member

    Dear Kara,
    name Řehák is pretty common here. Without more detailed informations it is same like if you write to search family Smith from England. :)
  3. SMZ

    SMZ Well-Known Member

    I recall that there were many Rehaks living in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) when I was growing up there. You may want to look online to see if any of them has done genealogical research, or maybe even try contacting the National Czech and Slovak Museum there to see if they have anything you could start with.

    Good luck!

  4. LetsGoFishin

    LetsGoFishin New Member

    I had no idea it was common there. Thanks for both of your replies!

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