the name of Bohemia

Discussion in 'Culture' started by nautilus, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. nautilus

    nautilus Member

    Ahoj, I like history especially ancient and classic, now Im reading about Chech history. I've heard that the name of Bohemia is a name of a celtic tribe called Boii, the same tribe who invaded Italy at III B.C. and gave the name to the region of bolonia, in Italy. It is true?

  2. Zeisig

    Zeisig Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is true. The original name used by Tacitus (98 A.D.) is Boiohaemum.

    The largest and most important Celtic oppidum in Bohemia is Závist (near Prague):


    One of the gold Celtic coins found in Bohemia:


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