
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous (Czech-Related)' started by PatK100, May 16, 2004.

  1. PatK100

    PatK100 Active Member


    Visiting the Czech Republic for the first time in July - silly question really but what can I expect the weather to be like, is it varied like the UK or will it be nice and warm ??

    Please email me or PM me.

    Many thanks

  2. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

  3. supershalin80

    supershalin80 Member

    I've never compared the weather to the UK but I always find it favorable to my home local. If you want to do a direct comparison I would recommend going to and then clicking "world" and you can do a search for temperature comparisons for all sorts of different locations. I found around 30 locations in CZ alone and I'm sure they have even more for UK. It should give a good comparison of what you should expect. Just remember to be prepared for anything, rain or shine.
  4. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    Chances are it will be warm/hot (25-30C). Cities like Prague can be pretty oppresive in summer with the heat accumulating in the pavement. Or else rainy and humid.

  5. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    25-30C is NOT hot (try living in Houston for a summer--then you'll know hot :!: ). But, then again, everything's relative ...

    Actually I have seen days in Prague closer to 35C (which I consider hot), although those days I recall were in August. The worst part of the Prague summer is that Czechs (like many other Europeans) have not yet discovered air conditioning. I mean, at least in Houston, you can come inside out of the heat. I'm not sure if the UK falls into the no-air-conditioning category, but if you're used to central air conditioning, get used to life without. Perhaps some of the more swank hotels and stores will have air conditioning, but by and large, there is none. On the bright side, on most summer days in Prague there seems to be enough of a breeze that opening a few windows will create enough of a draft to relieve the worst of it.
  6. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    Sova is absolutely right! I was in Prague last August through one of their worst heatwaves and I don't know how I survived without airconditioners. My friend had a tiny fan that used to help a bit, but I remember walking through the big stores like Tesco, Marks and Spencers etc just to try and cool down!

  7. Bohaemus

    Bohaemus Well-Known Member

    The whole world with air conditioning, what an idea! I cannot imagine the energy consumption. :roll:

    Over and above, a/c is not always beneficial for our health. Remember Legionella pneumophila (it causes Legionnaires' disease).
  8. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member

    You can use beer for cooling, it is better than air condition :)
  9. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    Bohaemus, you are absolutely right:) But I come from Malta and there is no way you can get through summer without a/c here, so I guess we're spoilt:)

    Halef, I have a dreadful confession to make. I hate beer!!
  10. Karel

    Karel Well-Known Member

    To be a relativist about fact is to maintain that there is no such thing as objective knowledge of realities independent of the knower. The parallel difficulty here is to eschew the inconsistent claim that the relativistic thesis is itself an item of objective knowledge. :(

    I don`t know if all Czechs are hot on the idea of airconditioning every nook and cranny, but one of the reasons that there are only very few places fanning you with cool whirles of air is the cost of running a/c. The restaurants which are indeed equipped with such novelties will let everyone know that they are the up-market restaurant for the very reason. But the places that want airconditioning most are Czech Shinkansen and buses. Spending a sticky summer day on a train must prove unbearable even to the most scorcher-resistant sun worshippers. The trouble is you can`t escape.

    A/C for personal purposes at home? Perhaps portable ones. But it is important to know that the Czech housing is miles ahead of that in the USA. Even if a Czech family lives in the worst type of housing, which is "panelak"( a block of flats) it is a grand mansion compared to the trailors in the USA. We don`t build our houses from wood, let alone paper.

    Overall, I must agree with Bohameus. I`ll just add that a/c is only for comfort; it`s not necessity.

  11. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

  12. Acheron

    Acheron Active Member

    we dont need to use a/c, its cheaper to open the window :)
  13. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Karel, there is no inconsistency here. Even an objective knowledge of relativity does not change the fact that different observers view the same thing in different ways. That is what we call relativity. Don't argue relativity with a physicist! :wink:

    As for my original statement,
    the point should have been clear: the word "hot" (which itself is inherently a relative word, as hot is not defined on any temperature scale that I'm aware of) doesn't mean the same thing for everybody.
  14. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    You might argue the "grand mansion" part (sounds like an advertisement :lol: ) if only a single family lived in one of those architectural monstrosities. As it is, I found most panelak apartments to be no larger than the average mobile home here in the U.S. Perhaps because you're currently in Japan explains why you think Czech living accomodations are so spacious (but that goes back to the relativistic argument again :D ). And yes, I'll take a wooden home over a concrete cubicle any day (although I prefer brick homes myself).
  15. Karel

    Karel Well-Known Member

    Hi Sova,

    Let me elaborate for you.

    A certain type of superior person is fond of asserting that "everything is relative". This is, of course, nonsense, because, if everything were relative, there would be nothing for it to be relative to. An awful lot of physicists naively believe that the theory of relativity proves everything in the physical world to be relative, whereas, on the contrary, it is wholly concerned to exclude what is relative and arrive at a statement of physical laws that shall in no way depend upon the circumstances of the observer.

    The statement : Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic can be either true of false. Heisenberg`s principle of uncertainty won`t help you in this as this is certain. Take your pick.

    Relativity is a particular theory, dealing with motion and the notion of space-time, and everyone should be aware of where it belongs to. Any attempt to drag the theory into areas where it doesn`t apply is just an Ad Verecundiam fallacy. Your claim Don`t argue relativity with a physicist is nothing but Ad Baculum. There are other fallacies in your reasoning beside the two I mentioned just now, but I`ll leave it up to here.

    Dear Sove, I am not afraid of physicists. In fact, I enjoy talking to them.

    Take care.

  16. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how a question about weather turned into a theory of relativity. You two guys should meet in a pub and order a map of the world.

  17. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member


    As I mentioned, my statement, "Everything is relative," applied to a question of what is hot and what is not. You're trying to twist my statement into an all-encompassing assertion that there are no absolutes (which I neither professed, nor believe). The saying is just that: a saying. Don't try to read anything more into than that.

    As for the theory of relativity, well, YOU brought that up, making the naive claim that the name of the theory is itself a misnomer. As you pointed out, the theory of relativity does state that physical laws are the same for all observers independent of their frame of reference; however, you fail to realize that the term "relativity" arises from the fact that the manifestation of physical events/objects to different observers can be and often are different based on their relative frames of reference. Hence there is no misnomer. That is what I was trying to explain.

    About the statement, "Don't argue with relativity with a physicist," the point was not to prove myself superior to or intimidate anyone. Actually anyone in my profession who really understands the nature of the subject he/she is studying would never make that claim, given how a greater knowledge of the universe can only make a person feel that much smaller. Rather, the point of the statement was to illustrate that we live in a society of experts. I wouldn't argue structural stability with a civil engineer, because I don't have the same knowledge he does about building things. Likewise, unless you have studied in detail the theory of relativity, don't argue it with someone who has. I've seen too many people with a superficial knowledge of relativity (reading some popular book by Thorne or Hawking does NOT make one an expert) make nonsensical arguments about relativity.

    If you want to talk more relativity/philosophy, send me a PM.

    P.S. By the way, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is from quantum mechanics and not from relativity. :)
  18. Karel

    Karel Well-Known Member

    Hi Sova,

    I`m glad we`ve understood each other in the end. I`m willing to dicsuss physics, and not only that, by way of PM. My utterance on Heisenberg was meant to have been nothing but a play on words.

    As for Eva`s suggestion to meet in a pub, If you happen to travel to Japan, then be my guest, I`ll treat you.

    I`m going to Pm you this week. Till then.


    PS Curiosity killed the cat.

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