Cz - Eng help please

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by McCracken, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. McCracken

    McCracken Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid I cannot work this one out for myself so any help would be very much appreciated -

    ". . . . jen mne matou ty ctverecky misto pismen."

  2. atyka

    atyka Well-Known Member

    "I'am just confused about the little square instead of letters."

    Sometimes when you see a text written in Czech on a computer that does not support our orthography, the accented letters show as little squares, circles and strange characters. I believe this sentence refers to such kind of a problem.
  3. McCracken

    McCracken Well-Known Member

    Thank you - I think that must be exactly correct. My email account does not appear to support Czech characters even though what I have cut and pasted from Word is fine in the sent version on my computer. I looked lower down on the reply and saw that what must have been received by my friend in CR was full of weird looking characters!
  4. atyka

    atyka Well-Known Member

    These problems are one of the reasons people almost don't use Cezch characters in emails :) Glad I could help you.

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