Czech wedding greeting

Discussion in 'General Language' started by l_havel, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. l_havel

    l_havel New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to this board. Could someone please tell me how to spell out a nice wedding greeting in the Czech language. I have relatives in the Czech republic that are getting married. Thank you!
  2. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    Rather formal one:
    Milý Jendo, milá Kateřino!
    Na společné cestě životem Vám přeji mnoho štěstí, vzájemné lásky, úcty a pochopení.
    Váš strýc Zdeněk
  3. doman

    doman Well-Known Member

    It's not clearly Karle ! :)
    If I weren't an uncle and my relatives weren't Jenda and Katerina while I couldn't speak Czech language, what could I do ? :) 8)
  4. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    You are right, doman! 8)
    OK, try to insert real names instead of "Jendo", "Kateřino", and "strýc Zdeněk". Take these names as dummies for replacement. 8)
    Or just without names:
    "Na společné cestě životem Vám přeji/přejeme mnoho štěstí, vzájemné lásky, úcty a pochopení."
  5. l_havel

    l_havel New Member

    Karel and Doman-

    Thank you for the repy. Could you please tell me what the English translation is for "Na společné cestě životem Vám přeji/přejeme mnoho štěstí, vzájemné lásky, úcty a pochopení." :p
  6. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    "On your common journey through the life I/we wish you plenty of luck, mutual love, esteem and understanding." 8)
  7. l_havel

    l_havel New Member

    Thank you so much- the sentiment is perfect!

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