EN>CZ closure

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by eso, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Now I'm talking about one specific meaning of closure:

    closure - an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality, something (as a satisfying ending) that provides such a sense. /from Merriam-Webster dictionary/

    Like for example - people whose son disappeared long ago find out he is dead. And this fact give them at least closure.

    It seems to me, that is difficult not only to translate it to Czech without long indirect expressions, but even to explain concept of this approach.

    Is it only me? Am I mistaken? How would you translate it?
  2. Wicker808

    Wicker808 Well-Known Member

    pocit dotaženosti?
  3. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    closure...I would say, the act of closing(finishing) turned into a noun.

    It was a great relationship, but it did not last. We did not want it to end badly, so we agreed to meet, to have closure on good terms.
  4. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    In this case I would use “jistota”. In different context I can also imagine “úleva” or “zadostiučinění”.

    You also can turn it into negation (dodat jistotu → rozptýlit nejistotu/pochybnosti).
  5. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    What about simple "uzavření" or "uzavřená věc"? - Tu kauzu považuji za uzavřenou. Ten vztah považuji za uzavřenou věc. But it probably is not exactly the same context.

    I have another one - how would you translate: "To make one's day"?
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Maybe, 'Splni....or doplni....můj den.'
  7. fabik317

    fabik317 Well-Known Member

    i've got one question on a similar note: how do you say "know-how" in czech? (apart from "know-how")
  8. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member


    On je schopen
  9. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    Any one of the translations may be used, but no one is exactly know-how. This is the reason, why we translate know-how as know-how.

    The real usage would depend much on the context.
  10. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    closure - in mathematics (set theory etc.) the term is uzávěr

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