En -> Cz

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Ani, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    Can someone translate this into czech for me please:)

    I'd have taken photos for you if I hadn't been so angry.

  2. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    "Byla bych pro tebe udělala fotky, kdybych nebyla tak naštvaná."
  3. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    Thank you Jana.

    This was my attempt:

    Udelala bych pro tebe fotky..the rest was the same. What is the difference between "udelala bych" and "byla bych udelala"?
  4. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Udělala bych - I would do (present conditional)
    Byla bych udělala - I would have done (past conditional)
  5. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    So if I understand you correctly, "I would have been" becomes : byla bych byla?
  6. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    You are right - it describes a condition unreal in the past. Now, it is quite often replaced by present conditional, as it sounds a bit "high brow" Czech. With the past conditional, you can even go on and on - byla bych byla bývala byla (e.g. hloupá)... :roll:
  7. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    :lol: Thanks for the quick reply :) Im still laughing :D
  8. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    There is a popular quote from an old French movie "Button War" - "Kdybych to byl býval věděl, tak bych tam byl býval nechodil..."
  9. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't have kept on going there, if it had been known?
  10. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Right - If I had known, I would not have gone there...
    It is the youngest and smallest boy of one of fighting gangs in a French village who keeps feeling sorry as he was robbed of all his buttons and had to go home with his trousers halfway down.
  11. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    That's interesting.
    Kdybych to byl býval věděl, tak bych tam byl býval nechodil.
    I have to remember that one.

    Less highbrow would be simply...?

    Kdybych to věděl, tak bych tam nechodil?

    And thanks for letting me know about that 'bublino' thing.
  12. Troll

    Troll Well-Known Member

    Žibusík (Petit Gibus) used to say:

    Kdybysem to věděl, tak bysem sem nechodil. - Si j'aurais su, j'aurais pas venu. - If I had known, I wouldn'ta come.

    It is grammatically incorrect in Czech and in French as well.
  13. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Or classic from Ondřej Sekora:

    "Kdybys nebyl býval kýval, nebyl by se mýval hýbal" ;)
  14. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    This is tricky.

    by býval....is evidently....pluperfect....would have(conditional future)

    your example Eso is particularly perplexing. :lol:

    dictionary gives 'kývat' and 'hýbat se' similar definitions, so I can only guess at real intent.
    And I'm assuming it really is 'mýval' and not 'míval'.

    So, here goes.

    'Kdybys nebyl býval kýval, nebyl by se mýval hýbal" .....
    If you would not have stirred, the raccoon would not have moved(maybe..run off)
  15. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    In this case kývat = to wag (with head). And that sentence is from mouth of photographer, who try to take shot of racoon in zoo.
    And he is on picture in book Ferdův slabikář (Ferda's Spelling Book), which is book from Ondřej Sekora. It has picture and rhyme for every letter. I learnt alphabet from it in my five.

    "Elen se vesele veze s jelenem přes celé meze" for E

    Sentence with racoon is obviously for letter Y. :)
  16. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    My favorite one was "Quido, ty jsi ve quintě, kde je Quebec, prosím tě?"
  17. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I see how it works now. :lol:

    Mýval se hýbal, protože Ferda kýval.
    Moudrý modrý mravenec mával na Mrku.

    Quido, jsi ve quintě, kde je Quebec, prosím tě.
    This is a fun mix of Italian, Czech, and French.
    Guido, you're in fifth(grade), where is Quebec, please tell.
  18. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's because there aren't essentially any words with Q in Czech.

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