Hello from SF bay!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by iamonthenet, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. iamonthenet

    iamonthenet Member


    I just found this forum yesterday and I'm pretty glad. I plan on checking in and learning about my ancestry.

    I've done a bunch of geneaological research lately and know a bunch about the names of people, but now its time to learn about their culture, FOOD and way of life.

    That way I can share it with my kids!

    If anyone needs info about the San Francisco Bay area let me know!

  2. AxeZ

    AxeZ Active Member

    Welcome, I presume FOOD is written uppercase deliberatly...:)
  3. iamonthenet

    iamonthenet Member

  4. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Welcome :)

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