I need help reading Czech

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by strungout30, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. strungout30

    strungout30 Member

    I am writing a paper for a class on hooligans in the Czech Republic, and there are two websites that I think will be very helpful to me yet I cannot deccode them. They are:


    They both use windows-1250 encoding, but my firefox browser will not display them in English and I've tried every character encoding in the view menu. So does anyone have any advice on how to view these websites in English? Thank you very much.
  2. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    For me it works normally, Central European languages, windows-1250.
  3. strungout30

    strungout30 Member

    When I choose 1250, it does change but it does not become readable. Here is what I see when I use 1250 encoding:

    * Most - Bohemians 1905 (pohled Bohemians)
    Vydáno dne 14. 04. 2008 (3509 přečtení)

    Soupeře kontaktujeme týden před, nabízíme opět různé varianty, bere si čas na rozmyšlenou a ve středu se ozývá, že nic nedají....ve čtvrtek požadují 20 na 20, mladších sestav...Souhlasíme!
    Jelikož nám opět vázne komunikace, z Prahy vyjíždíme třemi auty v 11 (?!?)lidech...juniorské sestavy. Cesta se protahuje, domácí hlásí připravenost a nám se ke vší smůle na dvě auta lepí PČR.

    As you can see, 1250 does not work for me, nor any of the other encoding options. Thank you for the reply, and other suggestions?
  4. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Well, since all is perfectly readable in Czech, I gues: you are looking for English lang. version of this pages, dont you? bad news: theres none..
  5. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Same here, perfectly readable with correct encoding. Hope kibicz isn't right and you are really not thinking Firefox will translate it for you :).
  6. strungout30

    strungout30 Member

    I figured firefox could not translate it into english, but I figured there might be a plug-in or downloadable character encodings...i'm really only looking for a section on videos from fixtures anyhow, i've got all the pics i need.
  7. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    I still do not understand, how would "character encoding plugin" help you.
  8. strungout30

    strungout30 Member

    well, I just thought there may be different encodings that I could download since 1250 does not work for me...well, none of them work. I just thought there may be, I'll just have to look somewhere else for videos of firms. Thanks for your help.
  9. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    It looks like your 1250 encoder is working perfectly. I see the same exact text as you. The text encoder is only responsible for displaying the characters as they were originally typed (that is when the display encoder matches the original text encoding). In essence, it's only a mapping of binary numbers (the computer uses these to store the text) to letters/characters. When you type, the encoder converts the letters to binary numbers, and then when you display them, the encoder converts the binary numbers back into intelligible text.

    No character encoding will allow to read this any better, and if you do not understand Czech, you need a translator, not a new character encoder.
  10. strungout30

    strungout30 Member

    Shit, that's what I figured...thanks for your help, my paper is due next week so I'll just not use either of those websites I guess.
  11. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

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