searching for the dancing queen

Discussion in 'Make a Connection' started by Lammert, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. Lammert

    Lammert New Member


    I was last friday (8 april) at the 80' en 90'ties party in the Futurum club. It was very nice. I noticed a lady who moved me very much. During the evening I came closer to her. She noticed my interest and made me dance with her. It was very intense and special. I talked with her after that, but we lost each other since I had my train to catch to Holland early in the morning. Now I consider myself quite stupid because the meeting was very special and I know nothing about her.
    I'm trying to find a way to contact her, so my first question is if there is any kind of add forum or something like it where you can leave a looking-for-you message and that is used bij Czechs?
    Or maybe someone knows her. Let me describe her: about 22 years old, long about 1.80 m, athletic, long black hair in a tail, very nice, somewhat heavy dark eyebrows, dressed in black, she told me she came quite often in the Futurum club, she spoke not well English, I forgot in the moment to ask is she spoke German. She was there with a girlfriend, about 1.70 m with brown hair.
    This quest seems quite hopeless but the meeting was very special to me so I really hope to get to know something. The most succesfull option is probably going back to the Futurum club, but that will take some time, though I intend to.
    Thanx for any help, you can mail me on

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