This is so exciting!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ixthus, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. ixthus

    ixthus New Member

    A few years ago I went to the Czech Reuplic for a Geography trip. Years passed and I never forgot the beauty of the country and Prague.
    Last year I went back to Czech Republic for a sixth form music exchange in Hradek Kralove and I loved every minute, it is such a beautiful country, so deep in culture, so musical, so clean. I don't give flattery, I'm not that type of person but the inhabitants of Hradek Kralove were such lovely people, the cafes are so quaint, the town so ancient and the nightlife, so alive. It is beautiful.

    Though I am legally British I have never considered myself a true British citizen. Like the salmon I seek my birthplace. I was born in Berlin during the seperation and lived in Germany for seven years. We would visit the forests of Bohemia and the mountains and I have never forgot the sheer awe of the countryside.
    Every year I want to to go to Bohemia for our vacation but my family likes the sun/sea/sand type :roll: .

    I am not particularly good with languages but now I have left mainstream school life I have developed a taste for learning foreign languages, at the moment I am learning Greek and now Czech.

    That is a potted history of why I am here :D
  2. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    You are most welcome here, ixthus!

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