translation help has been satisfied. Thanks

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by kellythomas13579, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. kellythomas13579

    kellythomas13579 New Member

    My message has been translated. Thanks
  2. Ladis

    Ladis Well-Known Member

    Uff, it's a bit difficult for me to understand everything since this is not Czech, but the Slovak language. However, this is the translated version with the same meaning, but a bit different written (I don't understand Slovak so well - some words have a bit different meaning in Czech and Slovak):

    "How are you? Are you still in Mexico? I hope you will get visas and we will see ourselves on some action (I think, you talked you would be here in December). And I even don't know, whether you rest or work there, but anyway, I envy you the warm weather.

    And, do you plan to return to NY for a longer time, or not? In the past, you talked also about Canada, and I have a feeling that maybe also Slovakia?

    I wanted to greet you only.
    So enjoy, and keep well"
  3. Luciaviolin

    Luciaviolin Member

    Ladis' post is a good translation. I would just clarify the second sentence, since the Slovakian (and Czech) word "action" should be translated as event or occasion. (The English word "action" may look the same as Czech but it has a very different meaning.)

    I hope that you will get a visa and we will see each other on some event....
    The bottom two sentances could be translated this way:

    I just wanted to say hi.
    Be well and take care of yourself.

  4. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    oddychovaƄ / oddychujes should probably be translated as "vacationing" or "on vacation."

    ani neviem ci tam oddychujes, alebo robis, ...
    I don't even know if you are vacationing or working there, ...
  5. Ladis

    Ladis Well-Known Member

    Thank others for correctness :) I just want to say, I wanted to help - the translating is not my hobby :) (and the end of the text - I translated it fast since I haven't known the appropriate phrases ;)).
  6. kellythomas13579

    kellythomas13579 New Member

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