What does this mean?

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by T'om, May 7, 2006.

  1. T'om

    T'om Active Member

    Does this mean that there is a workshop for Africans?

    >>>>>> Letos poprvé se můžete kromě spousty angličtiny také těšit na workshop afrických bubínků pod odborným vedením Thomase McComba!

    Thanks so much for your help :D

    Actually here is the full version:

    Letní intenzivní kurzy jsou již připraveny: Týdenní pobytové kurzy angličtiny letos proběhnou v termínech 1.7.-7.7.2006 a 8.7.-14.7.2006. Podrobné informace v sekci "Letní kurzy", přihláška v sekci "Formuláře". Letos poprvé se můžete kromě spousty angličtiny také těšit na workshop afrických bubínků pod odborným vedením Thomase McComba! Udělejte si čas a pojeďte s námi!

    If anyone can helpme with this it would be MUCHOS appreciated.

  2. Ájík

    Ájík Well-Known Member

    Summer high - powered training are already ready: weekly stay training English this year slip in terms 1.7. 7.7.2006 and 8.7. 14.7.2006. detailed information in branch "summer training", application in branch "stationery". this year for the first time you can except lashings English also please on workshop African timbrels below special lead Thomase McComba! do time and go with us!

    - sorry it is only from translator :) :) :)
  3. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Summer intensive courses are already preapred: One week English courses will be this year 1st July - 7th July 2006 and 8th July - 14th July 2006. More information is in section "Letní kurzy", application form can be found in section "Formuláře". This year you can for the first time enjoy except English also workshop with African drums under lead of Thomas McComba. Let's make time and come with us!
  4. T'om

    T'om Active Member

    Thank you so SOoo much!

    Do you know anything about this?

    http://stag.osu.cz/prohlizeni/pg$_prohl ... ?id=119218
  5. T'om

    T'om Active Member

    Is this in Hodonin? What is it about? http://www.kpufo.cz/

    I sure wish I could understand Czech. I love the culture and I am so interested in the language...
  6. T'om

    T'om Active Member

  7. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member

    It is in Hodonín, but it looks quite suspicious... The name is "Psychotronics and UFO club", and the site describes various mysteries in the area.
  8. T'om

    T'om Active Member

    OOoh.....strange. Psychotronics? Isn't that mind control stuff?


    THANKS HAlef!
  9. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    It's just website of community who believe in UFOs, ghosts, aliens and this kind of stuff. Psychotronics is just a psi (parapsychological phenomenas) like telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, suggestion, etc.

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