What does this mean?

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Eadie, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Eadie

    Eadie New Member

    I am trying to learn some Czech. My friend sent this but I don' know what it means, can anyone help?

    posilam pekny usmev a pusu kam chces

  2. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    "I am sending a nice smile and a kiss on the spot of your choice (wherever you want it)"
  3. Eadie

    Eadie New Member

    Thank you for translating that for me. The words he used were not in my book, it is only a small phrase book. Could you recommend a useful book that is not too expensive.

    Once again Thanks :)
  4. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

  5. JerryG2163

    JerryG2163 Member

    i'm kind of curious about this phrase that you translated jana.... are there háčeks missing in the phrase? for example: the last word in her phrase is chces; but i believe she meant to type chceš. im just curious if there were other markings that should be in the phrase that are not marked?
  6. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Posílám pěkný úsměv a pusu kam chceš.
  7. JerryG2163

    JerryG2163 Member

    thanks wer. i'm finding when i read topics here that i can start to understand words and phrases, but not the whole sentence or topic. i have to work on building my vocabulary up. it definitely helps having many nice people to ask questions too =]

    another quick question... when asking 'what day is it?' would it be safe to use the phrase kolik je den?
  8. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Nope, the right phrase is Co je za den? Jaký je den?

    Kolik means how much. e.g. Kolik je hodin? (literally: How much of hours is now?), Kolik to stojí? (How much it cost?), etc.
  9. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    It is also possible to ask about day with "Kolik":

    Q: Kolikátého je dnes?
    A: Prvního (listopadu). 1st (November).


    Q: Co je (dnes) za den? / Jaký je (dnes) den?
    A: Středa. Wednesday
  10. JerryG2163

    JerryG2163 Member

    thanks for the answers.

    i am a little confused about the word jak and its many uses and many endings...

    for example, in this question you use jaký je den. but in other phrases, you might use jakou or jaké or jaká....

    can you explain why this is the case? and is there any way to distinguish when to use one or the other?
  11. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Wow, I think that would be really hard for someone to explain in a post. Maybe they can do it though. However, I'd suggest reading this website. It's an overview of cases. Then you can read about each case and how a word such as jak changes and why it changes.


    The website is filled with good information in the Yellow Pages of
    The Czech Language

  12. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Be careful here. The word jak is an adverb, which means "how." The word jaký is an adjective, which means "how" or "what kind of." Since jaký is an adjective, it must agree with the noun it modifies in number, gender, and case. Examples:

    Jak se máš? How are you?
    Jak jsi to udělal? How did you do it?

    But ...

    Jaký je den? What day (of the week) is today?
    Jakou máš kočku? What kind of cat do you have?
    Jaké jsou hráci? How are the players? (i.e. how good are they?)
    V jakých jazycích čteš What languages do you read in?
  13. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Correct is Jací jsou hráči?
  14. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Whoops! Thanks, Jana. That is what I get for trying to form a sentence around an adjective. :oops:
  15. JerryG2163

    JerryG2163 Member

    awesome, thanks for the help :)

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