Looking for Chalupsky

Discussion in 'Looking for Ancestors' started by Chalupsky, Mar 17, 2006.

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  1. Chalupsky

    Chalupsky New Member

    Hi All- My Papa passed away in Feb 05. Since then I've been trying to locate family members of his...he was the patriarch in our family and since his passing we've all felt a profound loss. We know that he came from a small town named Pilzn or Pilsn (anyone with the correct spelling can slap me on the wrist later) He has a brother and family still located there as well as a cousin who lived in Prague last we heard. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated...we had sent a letter to his (Frank Chalupsky's) family but we're still not sure they even received it. I'd like to make sure his family has recieved word of his passing and at the risk of sounding desperate would like to make contact with them(his family) directly if possible. I am his oldest grandaughter- and he always spoke fondly of the "old country" which he loved so much. Any and all help in this matter would be very appreciative and welcomed. I am in the U.S. so I'm not sure if Chalupsky is a common name in the Rep. like Smith is here but this is our last resort.
    Many thanks from ths U.S where we dislike the Bush Admin. as much as their foreign policy,
    Rachel M. Chalupsky
  2. Yvan

    Yvan Well-Known Member

    You probably mean town Plzen (Pilsen) :
    It's about the 4th biggest town in the Czech republic.
    The name Chalupsky is not the most common but it's not very rear too.
    There is also female version of this name : "Chalupska".

    In Prague phone book there are about 15/9 Chalupsky/Chalupska.
    There are also people of this name in Plzen.
    Lok at the phone book :
    SET : Používám diakritiku [ ]
    (For not using special Czech letters like : ý,ů, ř, ž)
    With the special Czech letters the names are :
  3. Zeisig

    Zeisig Well-Known Member

    Number of Chalupský's: cca 295
    Number of Chalupská's: cca 331 in the C.R. (total cca 10.000.000 inhab.)

    There are probably only several tens of Chalupský's in the Plzeň region. But I have no idea how to find them.
  4. My Czech Republic

    My Czech Republic Administrator

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