Please check the museum websites for opening times and prices.
Expositions of the National Museum
The National Museum ( comprises of 11 buildings in Prague and 5 buildings outside of Prague. Below are those located in Prague:
• National Museum – Historical Building (Národní muzeum – hlavní budova)
The historical building of the National Museum was damaged in 1945 and 1968 and was almost dilapidated until an extensive renovation took place between 2011 and 2018. The restored building was reopened on October 28, 2018, the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia. Thanks to the extended space in the historical building and its connection with the National Museum’s new building, there is now almost twice as much space available for exhibitions.
Address: Václavské náměstí 68, Prague 1 (top of Wenceslas Square)
Getting there: Metro A/C or tram to Muzeum – find connections

• National Museum – New Building (Nová budova Národního muzea)
The new building of the National Museum has been used for expositions since 2009. Before then, it served as the Prague stock exchange, the seat of the parliament, and a radio station headquarters. Check the museum website for current exhibitions.
Address: Vinohradská 1, Prague (top of Wenceslas Square)
Getting there: Metro A/C or tram to Muzeum – find connections
• Czech Museum of Music (České muzeum hudby)
Long-term and short-term exhibitions on music and musical instruments. The permanent exposition titled Man–Instrument–Music presents musical instruments not only as remarkable evidence of skill in craft and art, but as a fundamental mediator between human beings and music.
Address: Karmelitská 2/4, Prague 1
Getting there: Tram to Hellichova – find connections
• Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures (Náprstkovo muzeum asijských, afrických a amerických kultur)
Vojta Náprstek was a famous Prague patron, philanthropist, patriot and politician, and also the founder of the museum. In 1848 he left for the United States, settled in Milwaukee and became interested in the problems of Native Americans, black slaves and new immigrants. In 1858 he returned to Prague, convinced that the experience he had acquired could be used for the good of the Czech nation. The museum houses a long-term exhibition on the cultures of Australia and Oceania, and short-term exhibitions.
Address: Betlémské náměstí 1, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro B to Národní or tram to Národní třída – find connections
• Ethnographic Museum (Národopisné muzeum)
Located in the summerhouse of the Kinský noble family, the ethnographic museum documents traditional folk culture of the Czech lands. The permanent exhibition presents life of Czech rural communities in the 18th, 19th and the first half of the 20th century and describes traditional folk culture of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia.
Address: Kinského zahrada 98, Prague 5
Getting there: Tram to Švandovo divadlo – find connections
• National Memorial on Vítkov Hill (Národní památník na Vítkově)
The memorial is located on Vítkov Hill, site of an important Hussite Battle of Vítkov of 1420. The hill is dominated by a bronze statue of the Hussite leader Jan Žižka sitting on a horse. The statue is 9 meters tall, 9.6 meters long, and weighs 16.5 tonnes, which makes it one of the ten largest equestrian statues in the world and the third largest bronze equestrian statue worldwide. The long-term exhibition located inside the memorial is called “Crossroads of Czech and Czechoslovak Statehood” and captures important milestones in Czechoslovakia’s and Czech Republic’s 20th-century history.
The museum has limited hours, please check the website.
Address: U Památníku 1900, Prague 3
Getting there: Bus to U Památníku, then walk uphill through the Vítkov Park – find connections
• Antonín Dvořák Museum (Muzeum Antonína Dvořáka)
Short-term and long-term exhibitions on the life and work of Czech composer Antonín Dvořák. The permanent exhibition titled “The Journeys of Antonín Dvořák” documents the composer’s life and focuses on the journeys he made. In his time, Dvořák was one of the greatest Czech globetrotters. The museum’s visitors can accompany him on his journeys from his native Nelahozeves to Prague, throughout Europe, to America, and back.
Address: Ke Karlovu 20, Prague 2
Getting there: Metro C or tram to I. P. Pavlova – find connections
• Bedřich Smetana Museum (Muzeum Bedřicha Smetany)
The museum holds short-term and long-term exhibitions on the life and work of Czech composer Bedřich Smetana, founder of Czech national music and author of the symphonic cycle My Country. The building in which the museum is housed is one of the most beautiful Neo-Renaissance buildings in Prague.
Address: Novotného lávka 1, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro A or tram to Staroměstská – find connections
• Lapidarium (Lapidárium)
The Lapidarium holds one of the richest collections of sculptured stone monuments in the Czech Republic and one of the oldest specialized collections of this kind in the country. It concentrates on works of stone carving, architecture and sculpture from the 11th to the late 19th centuries. Visitors can admire priceless original sculptures collected from their former locations throughout Prague, including original statues from the Charles Bridge.
The Lapidarium is CLOSED from December 1 to April 30 every year.
Address: Výstaviště 422, Prague 7 (trade fair area)
Getting there: Metro C to Vltavská or Nádraží Holešovice or tram to Výstaviště – find connections
• Memorial to František Palacký and František Ladislav Rieger (Památník Františka Palackého a Františka Ladislava Riegra)
A long-term exhibition on the life and work of František Palacký and František Ladislav Rieger, two important personalities of the 19th century. The apartment where they lived preserves their original living and working environment.
The memorial is CLOSED from November 1 to May 1 every year. Visits are possible only Tuesday – Friday. Prior reservations are required. The tour lasts about one hour.
Address: Palackého 7, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro A or B to Můstek (exit towards Jungmannovo náměstí) or tram to Vodičkova – find connections
• Jaroslav Ježek Memorial – The Blue Room (Památník Jaroslava Ježka – Modný pokoj)
The Jaroslav Ježek Memorial is found on Kaprova Street near Old Town Square. It was here that this important pianist and composer spent the better part of his short but intensive career. The unusual treatment of colour on the walls and ceiling as well as the various sources of lighting created an environment that accommodated the needs of Ježek’s impaired vision.
The memorial is only open on Tuesdays from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Address: Kaprova 10, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro A or tram to Staroměstská – find connections
Other Museums
• Museum of Decorative Arts (Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum)
Exhibition of textiles, fashion, applied graphic, photography, glass, ceramics, metal, etc.
Address: 17. listopadu 2, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro A or tram to Staroměstská – find connections
• House at the Black Madonna (Dům U Černé Matky Boží)
The permanent exhibition on Czech Cubism displays furniture, accessory furnishings and objects made of ceramic, glass and metals.
Address: Ovocný trh 19, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro B to Náměstí Republiky or Můstek – find connections
• The City of Prague Museum (Muzeum hlavního města Prahy)
The history of Prague from prehistoric times to present. Includes Langweil’s three-dimensional model of Prague from the first half of the 19th century, made from paper and wood and measuring about 20 square meters.
Address: Na Poříčí 52, Prague 8
Getting there: Metro B/C to Florenc – find connections
• National Technical Museum (Národní technické muzeum)
Eight permanent expositions including time-measuring techniques, transportation (trains, historical cars and planes), photography and film, acoustics, astronomy, telecommunications.
Address: Kostelní 42, Prague 7
Getting there: Tram to Letenské náměstí – find connections
• Prague Public Transport Museum (Muzeum městské hromadné dopravy v Praze)
Unique collection of exhibits illustrating the history of public transport in Prague, including over forty historical vehicles and many other exhibits such as models, photographs, and historical documents.
Address: Patočkova 4, Prague 6
Getting there: Tram to Vozovna Střešovice – find connections
• Mucha Museum (Muchovo muzeum)
The life and work of Alphonse Mucha, a Czech-French Art Nouveau painter. Over 100 exhibits including paintings, photographs, charcoal drawings, pastels, lithographs and personal memorabilia.
Address: Panská 7, Prague 1
Getting there: Metro A/B to Můstek (exit towards Jindřišská) – find connections