Prague Trains and Train Stations
Prague has several train stations. The most widely used ones are the Main Station (Hlavní nádraží), Holešovice Station (Nádraží Holešovice), Smíchov Station (Nádraží Smíchov), and Masaryk Station (Masarykovo nádraží). They are all accessible by the metro and several tram lines.
Please visit our Czech Republic Trains page to learn about train ticket discounts, train ticket fare calculator, advance online reservations and international fares.
Warning: Taking a Taxi
Be careful if you decide to take a taxi from the train or bus station – please read our tips on Taking a Taxi in Prague. You can move around town easily by public transport or choose a good taxi company.
Prague Buses and Bus Stations
The three most frequently used Prague bus stations are Florenc, Roztyly, and Zličín. If you are coming to Prague on an international bus, you will most likely arrive at the Florenc bus station, which is located at the B/C line of the subway.
Online Schedules and Connections
You can look up train and bus schedules and connections for the Czech Republic and Europe at The results will show all available connections for your route, distinguished by a train or bus icon. See “Useful dictionary” on the bottom of this page for some terms you may need.
Useful Dictionary
vlak – train
autobus – bus
Odjezdy – Departures
Příjezdy – Arrivals
nástupiště – platform
jízdenky – tickets
povinně místenkový vlak – seat reservation necessary on this train
neúplná cena – incomplete price (usually with international connections; may only show the cost of the ticket within the Czech Republic, not past the border)
Vlak nečeká na žádné přípoje. – The train will not wait for any connections.